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"Vive le Vent" [12 Days of HMVDigital #3]

Since it appears that the 12 Days of HMVDigital MP3s previously mentioned in this space are available to more than just Canadians, I thought it might be a good idea to put up a quick post about each song as it becomes available.  I thought about doing that yesterday, when Sheryl Crow's "O Holy Night" was the free download, but I figured that there would only be a few hours left to download the song by the time I posted about it; it turns out, though, that the downloads have been changing over closer to midday EST, so there would have been ample time for anyone interested to grab the track.  Oh well, live and learn!

Today's download is "Vive le Vent" as performed by Les petits chanteurs d'Aix en Provence, Santa Claus Light Orchestra.  "Vive le Vent" is a French song that uses the same music as "Jingle Bells".  This is a cute version of the song sung by a children's choir.

I have to say, these downloads have been a very nice surprise so far.  I'm impressed with the variety shown in the first three songs, and I'm really looking forward to what is to come.  Happy listening!


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