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Twisted Sister - "O Come All Ye Faithful" [12 Days of HMVDigital #5]

Today's free download from HMVDigital is Twisted Sister's version of "O Come All Ye Faithful" from A Twisted Christmas, which was released in 2006.  If the arrangement sounds a little familiar, it's because you've probably heard it before as "We're Not Gonna Take It", which itself was inspired by this very song.  It's not an exact match, but it's very close.  Listen to the harmonized guitar solos to hear just how close - one of them plays the traditional melody, and the other one is the same as the solo in "We're Not Gonna Take It".  It's a very playful arrangement, and it sounds like the band must have had a ton of fun creating it; it's certainly a lot of fun to listen to.  Happy listening!


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