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Haunting Party - Merry Little Xmas Tape

Haunting Party's Merry Little Xmas Tape opens with an absolutely charming version of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" and closes with "New Year's Eve", both of which were written by Frank Loesser; it's nice how his songs bookend the album.

In between the two Loesser songs are fun versions of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" and "Winter Wonderland", both of which are arranged as duets, something I'm not sure I've heard before; it works amazingly well here.  In fact, of the six songs on the album, the only ones that are not done as duets are the last two, "Home for Christmas" and "New Year's Eve".  The latter is my favourite song on the album - actually, it's one of the best songs I've heard this year.  I'm not sure just how it is that I'd never heard it before, but I'll definitely be on the lookout for more versions of it in the future.
The entire album is only a shade over 20 minutes long (which I guess makes it an EP), so you almost can't not download it.  Happy listening!


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