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Jeff and Tasha's Crazy Christmas

Even though it has nothing to do with Christmas, there's a line in Chroma Key's "America the Video" that rang very true for me today: "Sometimes the answer just comes."  I was trying to decide what to post about today and not having much luck figuring it out when a new version of a familiar song started playing, and it immediately became crystal clear what I needed to post about.

Today, of course, marks 30 years since John Lennon was killed, and the song that came on was "Happy Xmas (War is Over)".  At first I thought it might be nice to round up a bunch of different versions of the song and post about all of them, but I quickly realized that I had only come across two different versions so far this year, and I had already posted about one of them (Jed Luckless' version).  So instead of doing that, I'll just post about the album I was listening to.

The album is called Jeff and Tasha's Crazy Christmas, and truth be told, it's really not that crazy, aside from the beatbox version of "Let it Snow".  Most of the album is quite mellow, beginning with a nice version of "O Holy Night", which features some great vocal harmonies.  I really like the solo guitar version of "The First Noel", too.  The real highlight, though, is "Happy Xmas", which is just beautifully done.  The vocals are echoed and layered just right, and it's clear that a lot of work went into perfecting the song.  If you're a fan of the song, this version is well worth checking out.  Happy Xmas!


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