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Atomsplit - Hey Holiday

And now, something short but fun for a Friday evening.  Hey Holiday is a four song EP of original Christmas- and holiday-themed songs by Atomsplit.  The whole thing clocks in at less than 15 minutes, but it's a ton of fun from start to finish.  The songs all have a pop punk sound that immediately made me think of Good Charlotte, although I can't help but wonder if I've somehow associated the cartoon silhouettes on the cover art with the logo for Undergrads, which used a Good Charlotte song as its theme song.

The album storms out of the gate with "Master of Mistletoe", which is honestly one of the coolest song titles I've ever heard; the song itself sounds just as cool.  All of the songs do, actually, and the super sharp production allows everything to be heard with perfect clarity.  The whole band sounds very tight, and I will very likely be checking out more of their music after Christmas is all over, which could prove to be a very interesting experience: a quick look at the Atomsplit website indicates that there's much more to this band than just the music - check out the web comic!

In the meantime, I'll definitely be giving Hey Holiday at least a few more listens before I put the Christmas music away until next year.  Happy listening!


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