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Sofia Talvik - "Santa"

For the past couple of years, one of my favourite downloads has been Sofia Talvik's annual free Christmas single.  This year's single, "Santa (can you bring me someone else this year)", was just released today, and it's every bit as good as I expected it to be (which is a relief, because I often worry when my expectations get too high for something).

Musically, "Santa" is a fun, synthesizer-based pop song that would not sound out of place on a mid-80s Madonna album.  Lyrically, as I have come to expect from Sofia, it is not so fun and lighthearted; the line "Christmas time, the hardest time, the best of times" really says it all.   It's easy to picture the narrator decorating a Christmas and trying to smile through her tears, all the while hoping for someone to come along to "make [her] laugh and spin [her] 'round and dry [her] tears."  If you're a fan of songs like "Last Christmas", this song is a must hear.

It's possible that you have to become a fan of Sofia's on Facebook to access the download; I'm already a fan of hers, so the link was active for me as soon as the page loaded.  Also, anyone who downloads the song is encouraged (but not required) to support The Body Shop and ECPAT’s world-wide campaign “Stop Sex Trafficking”; The Body Shop's website has a petition that can be signed, as well as information about a number of other ways to support the campaign.  Happy listening!


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