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Trans-Siberian Orchestra - "Dream Child (New 2010 Version) (U.S. only)

Full disclosure: I feel rather conflicted about writing this post, because the download is only available in the United States.  Being Canadian myself, and thus unable to access the download, I completely understand if anyone feels slighted in any way.  However, it is a weekend, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get a proper post up today, so this will have to suffice for now.

Trans-Siberian Orchestra have rerecorded "Dream Child", a song from their 1998 album The Christmas Attic.  This version of the song features Tim Hockenberry, who sang "Believe" on last year's Night Castle, on vocals.  I really love the vocals on "Believe", so I really wish I could hear what he has done with "Dream Child".   If anyone who reads this manages to download the song, please leave a comment letting the rest of the world what we're missing out on. :)  Happy listening!


P.S. David has posted a free Christmas download over at Feedback, but you may need to act fast, as he believes it will only be available for four days.  Keep an eye on his blog, as he's planning to put up more free Christmas downloads on the four Fridays leading up to Christmas, and his excellent taste in music means that they will all be worth checking out.

1 comment:

David said...

By "excellent taste in music" I assume you mean "fellow Rush fan"!

Thanks for the plug. The embedded free download widget on my blog still seems to be working, so it looks like there is still time to grab the Paul Simon track.

As another non-US resident, I share your frustration over the inability to download the TSO track. There was a wee flurry of Tweets plugging free Christmas downloads and it was most annoying to follow the links to discover it was Amazon USA only! Amazon UK only has about a dozen free downloads on offer but as yet, none of them are Christmas themed. Bah!