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Album Spotlight: Phil Vassar - An Acoustic Christmas

I tend to write about a lot of rather unusual Christmas music, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy more traditional and straightforward renditions of Christmas songs as well.  I guess I just think it's easier to find that sort of music - at this time of year, it's as simple as turning on the radio or walking into a store.  However, I'm sure that not everyone feels the same way, so I think it's time to write about some more familiar-sounding Christmas music.
Phil Vassar's An Acoustic Christmas fits that bill nicely, I think.  There are no surprises in the arrangements of its five songs, but I really love the way that Vassar's voice and piano playing complement each other (to be honest, though, I was surprised at just how strong his voice is - especially during the high note in "O Holy Night".  I know a few of his older songs, but I never really would have thought that his voice is this good).  His young daughter Haley joins him on "Away in a Manger", which is a really nice touch, but other than that, it's just Phil and his piano.  If you like being able to hear all the words clearly in your Christmas music, An Acoustic Christmas would make a very nice addition to your collection.
You need to give your name, zip code, and email address to get the album, but the site assures us that nothing naughty will be done with that information, as they "don't want coal and sticks in [their] stockings!!!"  The download link will be sent to the email address you provide.  Happy listening!

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