I have an amazingly catchy Christmas song that I'd love to post about, but there's one little problem: it's riddled with profanity and is in no way safe for work, kids, or a host of other environments. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this would really be uncharted territory for this blog. I haven't intentionally set out to make this a family friendly blog, but that's pretty much how it's worked out so far.
So, quick question: would you be okay with seeing this kind of song posted here? Sound off in the comments, and I'll wait at least a day before coming to a final decision on it.
I think if you clearly identify it as 'sketchy' there should be nothing wrong with posting it. People can make their own decision if they want to hear it.
Completely agree with Mike. As long as it is clearly identified, people can make their own choices. Thanks for checking.
I'd like to hear it, but then I'm like that.
Agreed. Post with proper declaimer and let the listener beware.
Yeah, I agree, as well. As long as people know, then they can decide for themselves. Also, I am quite interested to hear it now!
Yep, same as above. I personally wouldn't want to hear it, but as long as you clearly label it then people will have a choice as to whether or not they want to listen/download. If it's a Christmas song, it belongs on this site, right? =) I appreciate you asking, though! That's awesome.
I agree with the posters above. Label it NSFW, MSFC, etc and let it fly. I've hung around here long enough to trust your judgement about whether the song is any good.
Chalk up another vote for what Mike said. Clearly label it and people can easily skip it if they prefer. Thanks for being considerate enough to care! :)
I'm not too thrilled about you posting it. If you have to ask, it's best not to post it.
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