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A Rarebird in a Pear Tree, Volumes 1 and 2

Rarebird Records is an independent Canadian record company that specializes in a variety of styles, "from Americana blue-grass to indie folk rock, and singer-songwriter pop to soul infused art-rock."  They have also released a pair of excellent little Christmas compilations called A Rarebird in a Pear Tree via Noisetrade;  Volume 1 was released last year and Volume 2 was released this year.

Though they are both short, there are a lot of highlights on each album.  I really like the two songs by Shelley Adams - she has a very beautiful voice that sounds like Sarah McLachlan at times.  "The Friendly Beasts" by  Jason Paul Johnston has some of the cutest backing vocals you will ever hear courtesy of  Jana Lynn & Luke Paul Johnston.  There's a nice mix of traditional and modern songs, and possibly a few originals as well (I find it's getting harder and harder to determine if a Christmas song is original or not).  Both volumes are well worth checking out if you're looking for something a little more laid back and mellow sounding.

Happy listening!


1 comment:

Jason Paul Johnston said...

Thanks for posting this! I thought the backing vocals were cute too...but I'm a little biased :)

- Jason Paul Johnston