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The 8bitpeoples - The 8bits of Christmas

This has got to be one of the most unique collections of Christmas music ever made. Remember how I said Christmas music has something for just about everyone? Well, this one is for video game fans, particularly of old-school consoles like the NES, Game Boy, Atari 2600 and VIC20. Each of the 8 songs on this release were actually composed on video game consoles and computers. Clocking in at just under 18 minutes, it's a short listen, but songs like "the first blip blop noel" and "last christmas (hot digi remix)" will definitely help to get you in the mood for Christmas - and perhaps to break out that old Game Boy and play a few levels of Tetris as well!

Download The 8bits of Christmas for free from the Internet Archive. Let me know what you think in the comments, and also post a review on that site as well.

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